Frank Raeon is the author of several published real estate site selection articles.
Site Selection PASTA V Article
SCORE Brief – Retail and Restaurant Site Selection
Too often, people who are looking for locations for their retail and restaurant businesses end up doing too much by themselves. Given the complexities and time associated with finding “Home Run” locations, this can turn out to be a costly mistake – one which can produce a series of negative consequences. The solution; employ the services of LDA.
When looking for “Home Run” locations, retail and restaurant decision makers shouldn’t overlook the option of working with two important resource groups: commercial real estate agents, and consultants who possess both a passion for and expertise in retail and restaurant site selection. Both of these important resource groups can help you negotiate the most favorable rents as well as the most favorable build out and tenant improvement allowances. In addition, consultants such as LDA are accustomed to advising you on lease provisions which can potentially keep you out of trouble.
Noteworthy Quote
In addition to providing site selection expertise, Location Decision Advisors routinely obtains and analyzes such important site selection related information as traffic counts, lease rates, CAM charges, demographics, psychographics, lease incentives, vacancy rates, zoning, required permits, planned public improvements, and competitor sales.
At Location Decision Advisors, there is no substitute for conducting field work and research. Our time tested system for success relies on doing “homework” – the more the better. Whether you are active in the private or public sector, we welcome the opportunity to work with you as a “resource partner.” With this in mind, please reference the following testimonial.